Posted Mar 2022 Theft – Police report 45220014278 05/02/2022 Theft of bike from garage MELLERSH HILL ROAD, WONERSH - No further action taken
Posted Mar 2022 Cold Calling Packs – these can be obtained by emailing [email protected] with a request. They will be sent out by post. They are also available for collection from the Waverley reception desk at The Burys. How to report a concern about a rough sleeper – if you are concerned about a rough sleeper, please make a Streetlink referral either online at or call 0300 500 0914. You can also use the mobile app “Streetlink” from Apple iTunes / Google Play store. These details will then be passed to Hilary Leigh the Council’s Rough Sleeper Support Worker who will go out and visit the person to offer them support. Posted Nov 2021 Location: Wonersh area - Police Notice When? Between 12:00 and 16:00 on 26th November What happened? A catalytic converter was stolen from a vehicle. Here are some ways you can protect your vehicle from catalytic converter theft: - Lookout for suspicious activity around vehicles, such as a vehicle being lifted up or someone doing something to the underneath of the vehicle - CCTV such as a video doorbells could provide key evidence and deter offenders - An alarm can be fitted to your vehicle that activates if it is tilted or shaken - Having your vehicle’s serial number etched on the catalytic converter could help police track stolen items and deter offenders (see - A protective cover over the catalytic converter can help to guard your vehicle (see - Garages can be asked to weld the bolts holding the catalytic converter on, to make it harder to remove If you see a vehicle jacked up and/or hear the sound of metal being cut from under the vehicle, do not approach the suspects, and call 999 immediately.
Posted Nov 2021 Car Theft in Waverley - Police Notice We have suffered a number of keyless vehicle thefts in Waverley recently and so has the county in general. Offences seem to be happening overnight. Thieves can use a number of different methods to access a vehicle and drive it away, often without the need to physically obtain the owner's keys.
•One such method is a relay attack, where a relay tool is used to fool the vehicle into thinking that the key fob is either inside the vehicle or very close to it.
•Another is signal jamming, where a device transmitting on the same radio frequency as the remote key fob is used to jam the signal that locks the car. When the vehicle owner presses the lock button on their key fob, the command is prevented from reaching the vehicle, so it is left open.
•A third method is where a blank key fob can be programmed to start the engine and unlock the doors.
What can you do to avoid keyless theft?
•Always lock your car and keep key fobs away from doors and windows. Storing your keys in a metal tin will also help to block their signal. Alternatively, look into buying a 'Faraday pouch' which is made of signal blocking materials.
•Switch off your key if you can - look at your vehicle manual to see if your key has this function.
•Use physical measures such as steering wheel locks and CCTV to put thieves off. Please report any crimes, incidents or concerns direct to our contact centre at the time by calling 101, or via our website/live chat at (in a non-emergency) or 999 if there’s an emergency (where a crime is in progress or life is in danger). Further Crime Prevention Advice can be found on the Surrey Police Web pages.
Posted Sept 2021 St Johns Church is looking for volunteers to help deliver the monthly magazine (which covers both church and community news). Please contact the vicar on [email protected] if you have some time to spare each month.
Posted December 2020 Garages were broken into on The Drive 18/12/2020
Posted Sept 2020 Golf Clubs stolen from Mellersh Hill Road, Wonersh 22/09/2020 Golf clubs were stolen overnight from a car parked in the driveway.
Posted June 2020 Land Rover stolen from The Drive, Wonersh 07/06/2020 Thieves accessed the vehicle without keys. This is the third vehicle to have been stolen off a Wonersh Park driveway in the last 3 years. The best form of defence is to disable the wifi key system and use a strong car steering wheel lock. The good news is the vehicle has been recovered.
Posted December 2017 Park Entrance Brickwork: We have just repaired the brickwork after a lorry reversed into it! However a resident has hit it again. No one was hurt, but please be aware. We will try to get a reflector added to the pier, when it is rebuilt.
Posted August 2017 Dog fouling: A number of residents have recently reported finding dog fouling on the verges outside their houses. Residents walking their dogs are reminded to ensure they clean up after their dogs (and when walking them after dark) and keep them from entering private property; the vast majority are responsible, so it is just a few who spoil it for the rest.
Posted July 2017 THEFT from the Drive" "Just wanted to suggest that neighbours request any deliveries are left hidden in a safe place out of plain sight...I have just had a delivery stolen from my doorstep. On the plus side I saw the whole thing from the upstairs window so was able to report a description of the man and his car registration".
Posted Jan 2017 Wonersh now has a defibrillator, located in the porch to the left of the working mens club, a few houses along from the village shop. This is available for all residents, in emergencies, with automatic instructions for use when the yellow box is opened.
Posted Sept 2016 Newspapers and magazines, daily or just weekends from Guildford’s oldest newsagent. Williams Bros has delivered the news in Guildford for over 100 years and makes daily deliveries to Wonersh Park. Publisher vouchers accepted. For more information visit or telephone 01483 450 450.
Posted July 2016 Waverley BC are now responsible for complaints regarding noisy parties and parking. see